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分类:院内新闻 作者: 来源: 时间:2024-07-03 访问量:










2006.09~2010.06 西北农林科技大学 机械与电子工程学院 机械工程 工学学士

2010.09~2012.06 华中科技大学 机械科学与工程学院 机械电子工程 工学硕士

2012.09~2017.06 华中科技大学 机械科学与工程学院 机械电子工程 工学博士


2017.03~2019.11 华中科技大学 船舶与海洋工程学院 博士后

2019.12至今 武汉大学 动力与机械学院 特聘副研究员/副教授












[1] Zuti Zhang, Shuping Cao, Huawei Wang, Xiaohui Luo, Jia Deng, Yuquan Zhu. The approach on reducing the pressure pulsation and vibration of seawater piston pump through integrating a group of accumulators [J]. Ocean Engineering. 2019, 173: 319-330.

[2] Zuti Zhang, Shuping Cao, Ruan chunhong. Statistic linearization analysis on hydro-pneumatic suspension system with nonlinearity. IEEE Access. 2018,6(1): 73760-73773.

[3] Zuti Zhang, Shuping Cao, Weijie Shi, Xiaohui Luo, Huawei Wang, Jia Deng, YuquanZhu. High Pressure Waterjet Propulsion with Thrust Vector Control System Applied on Underwater Vehicles [J]. Ocean Engineering, Source: Ocean Engineering, 2018, 156: 456-467.

[4] Zuti Zhang, Shuping Cao, Xiaohui Luo, Weijie Shi, Yuquan Zhu. Research on the thrust of a high-pressure water jet propulsion system [J]. Ships and Offshore Structures, 2018, 13(1): 1-9.

[5] Zuti Zhang, Shuping Cao, Xiaohui Luo, YuquanZhu, Weijie Shi. Design and Research on the New Type Water Hydraulic Axis Piston Pump [J]. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 2016, 138(3): 031203.

[6] Zuti Zhang, Shuping Cao, Xiaohui Luo, Weijie Shi, YuquanZhu. New approach of suppressing cavitation in water hydraulic components [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2017, 231(21), 4022-4034.

[7] Huawei Wang, Shuping Cao, Xiaohui Luo,Zuti Zhang, Xiaofeng He, Yuquan Zhu, Study on the Influence of rubber isolator’s dynamic stiffness on the dynamic behavior of seawater hydraulic piston pump. Ocean Engineering,2019, 182: 14-20.

[8] Huawei Wang, Shuping Cao, Xiaohui Luo,Zuti Zhang, Weijie Shi, Long Li, Yuquan Zhu. A Transmissibility-based approach to identifying the dynamic behavior of a seawater hydraulic piston pump under pressure excitation [J]. Ocean Engineering, 2018, 157: 211-218.

[9] Weijie Shi., Shuping Cao, Xiaohui Luo,Zuti Zhang, Yuquan Zhu. Experimental Research on the Cavitation Suppression in the Water Hydraulic Throttle Valve [J]. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 2017, 139(5): 051302.

[10] Shi Weijie, Luo Xiaohui,Zhang Zuti, Liu Yinshui, Lu Wenlong. Influence of external load on the frictional characteristics of rotary model using a molecular dynamics approach [J]. Computational Materials Science, 2016, 122: 201-209.

[11] Jian Liang, Xiwen Li,Zuti Zhang, Xiaohui Luo, Yuquan Zhu. Numerical Investigation on Effects of Nozzles Geometric Parameters on Momentum Reaction Thrust for Water Jet Propulsion System of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles [J]. Ocean Engineering, 2016, 123: 327-345.

[12] Zuti Zhang,Chunhong Ruan, Xuliang Qu, Xuesong Chai. The Study of High Strength Hydraulic Bolt on the Tensile Resilience. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, IEEE ICMA 2016. 2016 Aug.7-10. Harbin, China

[13] Zuti Zhang, Xuliang Qu, Shuping Cao, Xiaohui Luo. Research of a Water Hydraulic Piston Pump Applied for Water Mist Fire Suppression System, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Aircraft Utility Systems IEEE CSAA/AUS 2016. 2016 Oct.10-12. Beijin, China

[14] Zuti Zhang, Shuping Cao, Xin Luo, Xiaohui Luo, Huawei Wang, Qiuping Li. Research on the erosion-abrasion of the sliding spool of Electro-Hydraulic Proportional Directional Valve. The 8th International Conference on Fluid Power and Mechatronics, IEEE FPM 2019. 2019 Apr.10-13. Wuhan China

[15] Huawei Wang, Shuping Cao, Xiaohui Luo,Zuti Zhang, Qinjin Wu. Experimental study on the effect of rubber isolator on the vibration of piston pump. The 6th International conference on control, mechatronics and automation,ICCMA 2018 . 2018 Oct.12-14. 111-115, Tokyo, Japan

[16] Weijie Shi, Xiaohui Luo,Zuti Zhang,Huawei Wang, Yuquan Zhu. Simulation Investigation on Application of Powder Metallurgy Damping Effect in Water Hydraulic Pump. The 4th International Conference on Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering, ICMME 2017. 2017 Nov.28-30, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In MATEC Web of Conferences, 153: 01003. EDP Sciences.


[1] 张祖提,罗小辉,王华伟,曹树平,贺小峰,朱玉泉,李秋坪,邬亲近,一种高压水射流喷水推进装置的试验装置,2018.12.05,中国,ZL201811481126.X.

[2] 张祖提,罗小辉,王华伟,谭银萍,李秋坪,邬亲近,一种瓶底进流式水样采集装置及方法,2018.12.05,中国,ZL201811480948.6

[3] 罗小辉,史伟杰,赵大为,张祖提,刘汉阳,宽频变压压力脉动衰减器,2014.01.21,中国,ZL2014100263863

[4] 史伟杰,罗小辉,张祖提,王华伟,朱玉泉,罗鑫,李龙,一种含有颗粒悬浮液的粉末冶金复合材料的制备装置,申请日:2016.10.13, 授权:2017.04.26,中国,ZL201621126327.4.

[5] 罗小辉,史伟杰,张祖提,王华伟,朱玉泉,罗鑫,李龙,一种用于轴向柱塞泵的耐磨式滑靴,申请日:2016.09.29,公开日:2016.12.21,授权:2019.02.01中国,ZL201610860969.5

[6] 朱玉泉,曹树平,罗小辉,石兆存,胡军华,巴鑫,朱万方,张祖提,一种柱塞连杆组件,2011.12.14,中国,ZL201120060825.4


[1] 容积式柱塞泵喷水推进器水下辐射噪声特性研究及其参数化声学设计(No.51905186),国家自然科学基金,主持

[2] 水液压柱塞泵喷水推进装置流场特性及推力特性研究(No.2018M632834),中国博士后科学基金,主持

[3] 武汉大学人才科研启动经费,主持

[4] 舱底疏水泵组研制,型号研制项目,参与

[5] 两栖战车高速射流新型高效喷水推进理论与方法,部委探索项目,参与

[6] 超细水雾泵组设计、生产及服务置,部委预研项目,参与

[7] 机械手性能调试试验台研制平台,部委预研项目,参与