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Creation, innovation and Entrepreneurship



分类:院内新闻 作者: 来源: 时间:2021-03-03 访问量:






2017~至今  武汉大学,副教授

2019~2020  Carnegie Mellon University,访问教授

2011~2013 University of Alberta,联合培养博士

2008~2016 华中科技大学,博/博士后

2004~2008  华中科技大学,能源与动力工程学院,本科



1. 燃烧源颗粒物生成、组装与调控


2. 火焰辅助纳米金属氧化物生长与调控原理


3. 固废热转化多孔碳材料制备与污染防治应用














[10]武汉大学自主科研项目煤燃烧重金属排放协同控制机制的研究”, 2018-2019,主持

[11] 武汉大学引进人才项目,2017-2020 (I), 2023-2026(II),主持

[12]教育部能动教指委教改项目基于多学科交叉的能源与动力类新工科Ayx爱游戏官方在线登录模式的研究与实践” 2017-2019,主持

[13]国家自然科学基金重点项目煤中有害矿物质富集分异特性及热迁变机制” 2020-2024, 参与




[1] Tian C*, Hu Y, Tian X, et al. Deep insights on arsenic speciation and partition in coal-fired particles from micro to nano size. Fuel, 2023, 332: 126159.

[2] Zhao, G., Tian, C.*, Wu, P., Zhang, X., Wang, Z., & Zhang, J. Effect of oxide interactions on chromium speciation transformation during simulated municipal solid waste incineration. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2023

[3] Wang, A., Chen, W., Liu, S., Lin, W., Tian C*. Layered porous carbon material derived from food residues and its application for elemental mercury adsorption in flue gas. Fuel, 2023. 335, 126876.

[4] Tian C*. Gong B, Wang X, et.al Ash formation and trace elements associations with fine particles in an ultra-low emission coal-fired power plant. 2022. Fuel. 288:119718

[5] Chen W, Li M, Tian C*, et al. The Synthesis of FeCl3-Modified Char from Phoenix Tree Fruit and Its Application for Hg0 Adsorption in Flue Gas. Atmosphere, 2021, 13(7): 1093.

[6] Zhang Z, Tian C*, Liang Y, et al. Recent Isotopic Evidence for Elevated Vehicular NOx Emission to Atmospheric Nitrate Formation in Chinese Megacities. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2021, 5(9): 2372-2379.

[7] Zhang, Y., Yan, J., Xu, J., Tian, C., Matyjaszewski, K., Tilton, R. D., & Lowry, G. V.. Phosphate Polymer Nanogel for Selective and Efficient Rare Earth Element Recovery. Environmental Science & Technology, 2021,55(18), 12549-12560.

[8]Xuehai Yu, Chong Tian*, Junying Zhang. Investigation of fireside corrosion at water-cooled wall from a coal-fired power plant in China. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2017, 127:1164-1171.

[9] Chong Tian, Junying Zhang*, Rajender GuptaYongchun Zhao. Release behaviors of arsenic in fine particles generated from a typical high-arsenic coal at a high temperature. Energy & Fuels. 2016 , 30:6201-6209.

[10] Chong TianHongbo Zeng Junying Zhang Rajender Gupta, et al. Understanding of physicochemical properties and formation mechanisms of fine particular matter generated from Canadian coal combustion. Fuel2016, 165: 224-234.

[11] Chong Tian, Junying Zhang, Rajender Gupta, Yongchun Zhao, Shuai Wang, Chemistry, mineralogical, and residence of arsenic in a typical high arsenic coal. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 2015,141:61-67

[12] Chong Tian, Junying Zhang, Yongchun Zhao, Rajender Gupta, Chuguang Zheng, Understanding of mineralogy and residence of trace elements in coals via a novel method combing low temperature ashing and float-sink technique. International Journal of coal Geology2014, 131162-171

[13] Chong Tian, Junying Zhang ,Yongchun Zhao, Chuguang Zheng, Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 over sol-gel derived copper-doped Titania catalysts. Cleaner Combustion and sustainable world, 2013, pp 1247-1254

[14] Chong Tian, Junying Zhang, Rajender Gupta, Chuguang Zheng, Arsenic Emissions and Speciations in High-temperature Treatment of a Typical High Arsenic Coal. Cleaner Combustion and sustainable world, 2016, pp 229-234



[2] 一种以蛋壳为Ca源自蔓延燃烧快速制备高效CO2吸附剂 202310628605.4

[3] 一种以棉纤维为牺牲模板的管状纳米金属氧化物及其制备方法,ZL 2022 1 0746393.5

[4] 一种梧桐果毛改性焦脱汞吸附剂及其制备方法. ZL 2022 1 0434795.1

[5] 一种富氧燃烧电厂烟气中CO2光催化还原方法与装置,ZL2012 1 0029748.5

[6] 一种用于电厂脱硫废水的喷雾装置,ZL 2014 2 0868320.4

[7] 煤矿瓦斯低排放催化氧化供热系统,ZL 2014 2 0673164.6

[8] 一种矿用除尘装置,ZL 2015 2 0757688.8



[2] SCI期刊Atmosphere 专辑 客座主编


[4]国家自然科学基金 评审专家

[5]教育部学位论文 评审专家

[6]湖北省科技厅 评审专家
